Took a while to drag me out of bed aim some coffee at my head Saw the clock, I'm running late. It's an ordinary day. And I'm like a dog on heat Knock one out and then fall asleep It's sad but true, I'd rather be with you, Don't you forget about me, when you're a celebrity. It will be only you and me before too long...
CHORUS* So little time so much to do I'd wanna spend my days with you. So little time so much to do I'd like to spend one day with you And if that day is not enough, maybe we can stay in touch But I'm not making plans for tomorrow For tomorrow never comes
Said I've been celibate for years Not out of choice there's no one here, See I can't get my end away, another ordinary day And I'd love to see a little more of you your clothes would look better on my bedroom floor, Don't you forget about me when you're a celebrity I know you're busy, but we all need somebody - before too long. repeat chorus
* part heard during opening credits
